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Admission Permission Information

Please see below the information that you are agreeing to when your child joins our school.

Dear Parent/Carer

This document goes hand in hand with the information gathered and consents given during the admission procedure.


School Trips

You give permission for your child to participate in school trips that take place out of school in the local area (the local area is anywhere that can be reached on foot) and agree for the school to send relevant information via email or text.

These may occur at anytime during school hours and you are agreeing that your child can participate without further agreement that they can do this whilst fully supervised. This may include and not be exclusive to the ponderosa, town, museums etc.


Tooth Brushing

Our Nursery and Foundation Stage 2 class have been successfully running a Tooth Brushing programme for a while now and due to recent changes, we need your consent for us to continue supporting your child with brushing their teeth.

Tooth brushing clubs are an important part of the new early year’s curriculum and help teach children to brush their teeth with fluoride toothpaste from a young age. They also encourage brushing at home.

Our teachers in Foundation have been fully trained and are supported by the Oral Health Promotion Team to support your child with their brushing.

Every child is provided with their own toothbrush, which is kept in a covered storage unit to keep it clean, and replaced every term (or sooner if needed). They are given with a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste and supervised by and adult during brushing.


Our teachers do not brush any child’s teeth for them.


Photographs, videos and other images

From time to time as part of school life there are occasions when photographs – film or digital – or videos, may be taken which include children. These times include such events as; school performances, concerts and visits, awards and general publicity. Pictures may also be used on the school’s website. We are very careful to ensure that safeguarding guidelines and strictly followed.

Please note that the children’s names will not appear with the photographs or videos.

Individual and class photographs are taken annually by a school photographer.



All pupils use the internet as an essential part of learning, as required by the National Curriculum. The school has very strict e-safety rules that are revised regularly to ensure that the internet is made as safe as possible. These rules are available on the school website.

The school will take all reasonable precautions to ensure that pupils cannot access inappropriate materials. The school cannot be held responsible however, for the content of materials accessed through the internet and is not liable for any damages arising from the use of internet facilities.



Home School Agreements

There is one for nursery and one for school


The Nursery will:

Welcome you and your child.

Support the aims and values of the school

Plan rich and varied learning experiences inside and outside recognising that learning is part of life.

Encourage your child to access a wide variety of experiences and to socialise with other children and adults.

Work together to develop independence and self-help skills.

Maintain and share pupil progress and assessment, informing parents of any areas of concern.

Value the individual qualities and needs of your child and aim to provide appropriate support for any special needs they may have.

Keep your child safe.

Encourage your child to value other people and themselves and respect their rights whatever their language, culture or religion.



As Parents or carers we will:

Try to keep ourselves informed about the life of Nursery, for example, by reading newsletters and contributing to our child’s profile and talking about progress with key workers.

Attend regularly, on time and dressed appropriately, informing Nursery if our child is ill.

Tell our child’s key worker of any home circumstances or concerns which may affect our child’s education.

Support our child in developing the skills that they are learning in Nursery (reading, writing, phonics, number, etc.)

Encourage our child to value other people and respect their rights whatever their language, culture or religion.

Provide a change of clothes including trousers, underwear, socks and a top in a bag labelled with our child’s name/ To be kept on our child’s peg in case of an accident and replace when necessary.

Ensure our child does not bring any toys to nursery.

Label all items of clothing with our child’s name

Return any items that our child has borrowed from nursery.

Attend arranged parent/carer meetings and workshops.

Sign and abide to the Funded Early Learning Children agreement (FEL)

Give 4 weeks notice of leaving.

Refer to the school website regularly for information.



The School Will:

Encourage children to do their best at all times.

Encourage children to take care of themselves and others around them.

Inform parents about what the teachers aim to teach the children each half term.

Share curriculum targets with parents.

Send annual written reports to parents about their child’s progress.


The Family Will:

Encourage child to do her/his best at all times.

Make sure that your child arrives at school on time-(gates open from 8.30am, bell goes at 8.40am) start 8:45am and is collected at 3.15pm.

Make sure that your child attends school every day.

In the case of absence due to illness, please inform the school office by 9.00am.

Attend Parents Evening.

Ensure that children wear the school’s uniform and bring a change of clothes for PE.

Support the Behaviour Policy.

Make sure that your child’s homework is completed and returned to school on time.

Allow your child to participate in all areas of the school curriculum including music, assemblies and educational visits.

Inform the school if any contact details change, e.g. mobile telephone number or address.

Refer to the school website regularly for information.



The Pupil Will:

Always try his/her best.

Use kind words and listen when others are speaking.

Respect each other and him/herself.

Look after our school

Move around school safely.


Together We Will:

Support the child to help him/her achieve his/her best.

Support any special needs.

Encourage the child to keep the school’s good behaviour code.

Work in partnership in the interests of the child.

Encourage the child to respect each other’s differences.



School Contact information

Telephone 0114 2726834



Address: Netherthorpe Primary School, Netherthorpe Street, Sheffield, S3 7JA

Contact the School

Netherthorpe Primary school

Netherthorpe Street
Sheffield, S3 7JA

Main Contact: Elizabeth Gray - Head Teacher

Tel: 0114 272 6834

SEN Contact: Ruth Kay & Clare Wilson

SEN Email: or